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Troughs manufacturing 

     Bega Screw Conveyor offers the manufacture of many components for screw conveyors machines, in this section the different types of troughs available are shown.


  •  Trough: It is a rolled metal sheet with shape of “U” or circular of a tube, in there, the material is transported and there are components like the shafted/shaftless screw, hangers and central bushing. Troughs are available in standard sections of 3. 




















Trough with channel
“U” type trough 
“U” type trough 

Troughs types 

“U” type trough 

It is an economic trough, frequently used in screw conveyors. It is made of one single piece. 


Trough with channel 

The channel adds rigidity when trough is larger than standard


Widened trough 
Widened trough 

Widened trough 

It is used when material tends to “Puentearse” or when the screw conveyor needs wider inlets. 


“U” type trough with folded edges 
“U” type trough with folded edges 

“U” type trough with folded edges 

An economic trough of common use, it is made of one single piece. The extra fold provides rigidity to the piece. 


“U” type trough with angles on edges
“U” type trough with angles on edges

“U” type trough with angles on edges

Rigidity manufacture. 


Solid-Tubular trough 
Solid-Tubular trough 

Solid-Tubular trough 

It is made of a single pipe, for closed application or inclined. It requires inspection boxes for the hanger. 


Tubular with folds
Tubular with folds

Tubular with folds

It can operate filled in some applications like feeders. When it is inclined, minimizes material regression. It is easily disassembled for maintenance.  
It can be sealed with dustproof plastic. It requires inspection boxes for the hanger. 


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